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Thorough Dental Cleanings in Austin, TX

360 Dental Care is a leading provider of family and general dentistry in Austin, TX. Our offerings range from cosmetic, restorative, emergency, pediatric, and orthodontic dentistry. We provide patients with top-quality treatments, technology, and specialists to ensure optimal oral health for them and their families. We offer a wide range of services, from regular checkups and dental cleanings, preventative treatments, and restorative dental work. Whether you want to improve the look, health, or function of your mouth, we are here to help you achieve your goals.

family smiling

Optimal Smiles With Routine Dental Treatments

General dentistry comprises a wide array of treatments and methods that help patients maintain optimal oral health. The services provided, such as cleanings, exams, and screenings, are conducted routinely or on a bi-annual basis. Many general dental treatments are preventative and performed to reduce and eliminate the risks of oral disease, decay, or damage. From bi-annual cleanings to more in-depth treatments like gum therapy, the field of general dentistry is vast and can be applied to virtually any patient who wants to ensure their oral health is constantly in prime condition.

See Your Dentist Routinely

At 360 Dental Care, we pride ourselves on giving our patients an exceptional level of care, whether they’ve come for a routine cleaning or an emergency procedure. We encourage you to come to the dental office once every six months for a dental cleaning, as recommended by the American Dental Association. If you’re experiencing gum or mouth bleeding or a sudden oral health trauma, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Regardless of the scope or severity of your oral health issue, you can rely on us to resolve it quickly and safely.

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